
Extraction in Redding, CA

Have you been told that you need dental extraction near you by a dentist in Redding, CA? At Shasta Kids Dentistry, we can see you and provide our assessment on whether or not extraction is necessary. We understand that losing one of your natural teeth isn’t easy. We’ll only recommend dental extraction in Redding, CA if we think it’s for the best.

When we extract a tooth, we do it either to protect the rest of your natural teeth or because the tooth is no longer viable. For example, a wisdom tooth that’s causing overcrowding or exerting pressure on the 2nd molar will need to be removed. Wisdom teeth are accessory teeth that aren’t essential for normal function. We also recommend removing teeth with severe infections for better overall health.

Types of Dental Extraction

When you visit a dentist near you, you should be told that there are two types of extraction: simple and surgical. At Shasta Kids Dentistry in Redding, CA, we explain to our patients the differences between them. Simple extractions are where we simply pull on the tooth and use maneuvers to remove it.

When a tooth is impacted and difficult to remove, we’ll need to remove it surgically by creating an incision in the gums. Surgical extractions often required general anesthesia, while simple extractions are routinely done with local anesthesia. Complicated surgical extractions might need to be done in a hospital.


The time it takes to recover from dental extraction will depend on its type. Recovery from simple extractions is quicker and smoother. This is because there’s less trauma to the surrounding tissues in simple extractions. Patients will be prescribed painkillers to ease the pain and will be given instructions on what they can and can’t eat for the first few days.

To minimize swelling, patients can apply ice to the outside of the cheek over the affected area. It’s important to avoid rinsing or gurgling as instructed after the procedure to prevent dislodging the clot. Allowing the clot to stabilize is important to prevent future bleeding and promote healing after dental extraction.

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