What Happens to Your Teeth When You Get Crowns?

What Happens to Your Teeth When You Get Crowns?

October 11, 2022

Not every individual is lucky enough to have perfect teeth that display their personality and natural beauty. When baby teeth have massive tooth decay, considering a dental filling is not an ideal option. In that case, aesthetic dental crowns can restore the look, size, shape, and strength of teeth.

Depending on your preference and needs, the crown can be manufactured using stainless steel, ceramic, resin, metals, and porcelain-fused-to-metal. Each material has its advantages and disadvantages. The dental professional will check your unique case and suggest the most appropriate option. Let us find out what happens to teeth when you receive crowns.

What Can You Expect During Dental Crowns?

Getting white aesthetic crowns in Redding, CA requires two dental visits:

1). First Visit

During this, the dentist will do a visual exam of the mouth via X-rays. It helps the expert check the roots of the tooth and surrounding bone. The dentist recommends root canal treatment if the scanning shows an infection, injury, or tooth decay.

The dentist will use anesthesia to numb the mouth and prepare the tooth for the crown by removing the decay and shaving down the tooth. After the tooth reshaping, the professional will get an impression of the tooth below and above the affected tooth to ensure the crown fits properly in the mouth.

Then, the dentist sends these scans to the dental laboratory where the expert technician will create the crown as per the recommended guidelines. The dentist will place a temporary dental crown using a temporary dental filling. The temporary crown consists of acrylic material.

2). Second Visit

The dentist schedules the second dental visit after two weeks. He/she will remove the temporary crown and prepare for the placement of the permanent crown. The dental professional will first numb the nearby tissue with an anesthetic and cleans the teeth.

Next, the dentist will test your new customized crown by putting it in the desired area and checking for the fitting. Once you are fully satisfied, he/she adds the cap permanently with the cement. The professional will also check the dental crown routinely to find out if the cement has gotten hard.

Are Crowns on Front Teeth Noticeable?

The dental crowns for the front teeth use tooth-colored materials – ceramic, porcelain, etc. Therefore, they do not cause a significant effect on the natural appearance of teeth and bite potential. These materials make your smile more attractive than before.

a) Porcelain

Porcelain dental crowns are durable, aesthetically pleasing, and strong. The dental professional will put a crown that matches well with the surrounding teeth. It makes it impossible for anyone to see a crowned tooth.

b) Metal

Metal crowns are rare. They usually use nickel, gold, chromium, or other kinds of alloy. These crowns are highly resistant to chipping or breaking. The dentist usually advises them on the back teeth.

c) Ceramic Crowns

Ceramic crowns are perfect for those with metal hypersensitivity. This reliable dental restoration matches the natural teeth of the patient perfectly. That is why they are an excellent option for front teeth.

Do Crowns Make Your Teeth Look Bigger?

Dental crowns can make your short teeth appear longer. As you know, short teeth create a significant impact on your looks. Crowns are tailored to mask your teeth and make them bigger.

Typically, the crown size relies on the space between the surrounding teeth and the area between the lower and upper teeth. Another reason for the big dental crown is that the patient has small tooth dimensions.

Can Dental Crowns be White?

Yes. Although teeth are not white naturally, crowns can differ in shades of white. The pediatric dentist at Shasta Kids Dentistry can help you select the suitable tooth color zirconia dental crown that mixes well with the other teeth of your kid. They are known as zirconia crowns.

These white crowns for teeth are natural looking, durable, and highly aesthetic. They also are resistant to breakage. They are an excellent alternative to stainless steel crowns available in pediatric dentistry. Furthermore, Zirconia crowns require a single visit to the dental office.

Benefits of White Zirconia Crowns include:

  • Biocompatible.
  • Great durability.
  • Stain, decay, and plaque resistant.
  • Non-metal.
  • Aesthetically better than other dental crown choices.
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